Integrating Testing And
Learning of
Interface Automata
STW project 11763
Research Summary
The ITALIA project deals with the design of algorithms that will allow
computers to learn complex state diagrams
by providing inputs and observing outputs.
The state diagrams that can be learned by current techniques have at
most 30.000 states. In contrast, the state diagrams that govern
the behavior of computing based systems (defined using dozens of state
variables) typically have more than 10
The research objective of ITALIA is to construct a tool set that will
allow us to
learn - routinely and fully automatically - state diagrams with up to
40 state variables.
The ITALIA project will focus on the utilisation of model inference
technology within the area of testing:
once we have learned a model of a software component, we will use model
checking technology to
analyze this model (e.g. to detect security vulnerabilities) and the
technology of model based testing to automatically infer test suites.
Using these test suites we can then check, for instance,
(a) whether no new faults have been introduced in a modified version of
the component (regression testing),
(b) whether an alternative implementation by some other vendor agrees
with a reference implementation, or
(c) whether some new implementation of legacy software is correct.
Project Leader
Prof.dr. F.W.
Institute for Computing and Information Sciences
Mailbox 47, Faculty of Science
Radboud University Nijmegen
Heijendaalseweg 135, Huygens Building, room 02.622
6525 AJ Nijmegen
The Netherlands
Project Status
Starting date: 01-01-2012
Ending date: 31-12-2015
software, state machines, machine learning, model inference, testing,
embedded controllers, network protocols